Dear participants;
120 application forms have been submitted both from Turkey and at international levels for the 5th. International Sculpture Symposium Kuzgun Acar organized by Nilüfer Municipality. All submissions have been evaluated by the Symposium Committe and the application files and list of selected artists are provided below. Thank you for your interest.
List of selected artists and works for the 5th. International Sculpture Symposium Kuzgun Acar in Bursa:
1 Marie Seborova (Czech Republic)
2 Nando Alvarez (Spain)
3 Ho-Young (South Korea)
4 Lyudmyla Mysko (Ukraine)
5 Nedim Hadziahmetovic (Serbia)
6 Radoslav Sultov (Bulgaria)
7 Ulises Jimenes Obregon (Costa Rica)
Adriana Ciarla (Italy)